The beautiful and peaceful island....

Miyajima Island

I left Hiroshima for Miyajima Island in the afternoon. Please checked the time table for your plan but you do not have to worry much for connections between train and ferry as the ferries come quite often. The train will take around 26 minutes from Hiroshima to Miyajima-Gochi station and you have to walk for only 5 minutes to reach the ferry.

The ferry service is under JR so, you can use your JR pass. The ferry is quite big, it will carry cars across as well. The traveling time to Miyajima Island is only 10 minutes, so no need for seasickness medicine.

JR Ferry Service to Miyajima

Miyajima Island

Along the way you'll see some Oyster Farming which really made me hungry.... and could not wait to have my dinner. I pre-booked this hotel called Yamaichi-Bekkan which I heard from my friend that it is a Restaurant as well. I also pre-booked the 5000 Yen dinner (They have 3000, 5000 and 8000 Yen options) and 1000 Yen breakfast.


The hotel is sooooo close to the station. But it's got no English sigh that can be seen easily. I struggled to find this place a bit before I asked the local who was very kind and took me there. I was greeted and took care quite nicely, the staffs are very warm and welcome. After checking in and everything I went up to the room... It's half of the size of the one in Beppu but I did not really mind at all. It's only a place for me to sleep, as long as it's clean and safe :)


And now, it's feasting time! The dinner was served promptly as the time I told them at the check in.

5000 Yen meal

5000 Yen meal

The presentation was great and so as the taste for the first two sets. :)

5000 Yen meal

When the lady served me the Tempura, she was trying to tell me about the radish needed to be put in the sauce... she's mistaken me for a newbie of Japanese Food hehehehe

5000 Yen meal

And now the last set arrived, some kind of fish dish, clear soup and Unagi. After I finished everything I was thinking..... it's a big expensive for 5000 Yen.... hmmmm BUT I found out later on that the tiny fish dish was very special and seasonal. The tiny bowl alone can cost 1500-2000 Yen. Opps... And I didn't even like it. But over all everything was great. :)

Then it's time for a walk around. Just only 5 minutes from the hotel you can reach the Otorii Gate which is one of the most photographed site in Japan. Along the way there are a lot of shops which still open quite late.

Shops on Miyajima Island

And then there it was...

Otorii Gate

It's amazing to see the real thing!

Otorii Gate

Otorii Gate

And since I was trapped on the Island and have no place to go, I could spent as much time as I wanted to photographed it. hehe HOWEVER, during the time that I enjoyed taking photographed... the bloody deer (there are a lot of them around the island) went to my bag and
ATE my map! So, you guys just becareful for this though look cute and harmless creature. You're warned. sighhhhhhh

Not far from the Gate, you'll see the Itsukushima Shrine which is very beautiful at night too.

Itsukushima Shrine at night

After pressing the shutter for hundreds of times, it's time to go back to the hotel and rest. I will continue more of Miyajima Island soon.

1 Comment:

  1. grover said...
    He he.

    Those pesky deer.

    One tried to eat the tags of my suitcase when I visited Miyajima last year.

    We must visited it a bit out of season because there was hardly anyone else at night...Twilight zone stuff.

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