Hiroshima, a peaceful city.

I slowly made my way up and back to Western Honshu. And the more I went up, the more tourists I saw. During my Fukuoka - Beppu, I didn't really see many tourists at all. In my original plan, Hiroshima city is only the passage way to go to Miyajima Island, but since I was there quite early I made a brief stop and browse around the city a bit.

Hiroshima was a well known city but not for a good reason... It was the first city that experienced the horror of the Atomic bomb during WWII causing hundreds of thousand death. So, I decided to go visit the peace memorial not far from the station.

Again, do not forget to pay a visit at information centre at the station as they will provide English Map, the best way on how to get to the places that you want. As I will go to Miyajima Island next, they also provided the time table for trains and ferries in and out of Miyajima Island... Perfect!


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The best way to commune around Hiroshima city is by tram service. The fee paying system is just like the general bus system around Japan. And you can catch it just infront of the station. The city map will also show where the tram will stop. And again, every stops at the light, the drivers will turn the engine off, so don't be alarmed. :)

Hiroshima Tram

Only 10 minutes the tram will arrive at the Peace memorial site. The park is huge and very quiet and peaceful, even with a lot of group tourists. The first thing you'll see is the "A-bomb Dome", it's all that remains of the old bombed city.

Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park

Less than 5 minutes walk across the bridge to reach "The Cenotaph", erected in memory of the victims of the bombing.

Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park

Children peace monument also not far. Japanese made a lot of Paper Cranes surrounded it at one point and they're all kept in the show boxes as you can see in the background.

Message of Peace. Let's spread  the circle of peace to the world.

During that time, there's a Japanese kid handed me this postcard of peace and I'm very touched and I promised him to spread his message around. :)

As I still had a bit of time left, I walked out of the Peace Memorial site to have a glimpse of Hiroshima Castle. I knew that I could not go up close and personal so, I settle with a few pictures from a far.

Hiroshima Castle

Hiroshima Castle

Just a few notes here: this castle was completely destroyed during WWII and it was reconstructed and completed in 1958.

I was glad that I made this detour at Hiroshima. Now it's time to move on to Miyajima Island.


  1. Raj Shrestha said...
    Great Gun love to read youe entry ...Enjoy your japan trip..When you getting back to sydney...
    Gun said...
    Oh Thanks!!!

    I didn't notice someone left me a comment.

    I'm back in Sydney for 3 weeks now. :)
    grover said...
    Hiroshima was one of the top highlights of my Japan trip. The imagery and power that I felt from looking at that building was amazing.

    The peace museaum is a must see as well.

    I was there last August, and have a photo of the lunar eclipse happening overhead the dome. Very special.

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