Kushida Shrine

After a good night sleep in a very clean and comfy hotel, it's time to start my day with breakfast. If you've been following my blog, you should figured out by now that this was my Eating Trip. LOL

Traditional Japanese Breakfast at Hotel Com's Fukuoka

I picked the Traditional Japanese Breakfast (There's also normal breakfast for you to choose at the same price 1,000 YEN). After arriving at the restaurant which located downstairs, my Breaky was served very promptly. There are so many little stuffs to eat. They're all tasted good, make me very happy start of the day. However, just as I stepped out of the hotel, the rain started falling down. (damn!) But fear not, they're selling umbrella for 500 Yen at the hotel.

Then as planed, I went to Kushida Shrine which is only 5 minutes walk from the hotel. It's quite small compare to others shrines and temples that I will visit later in my trip. But this is the first Shrine I've seen and got me excited a bit. I guess I made the right choice to start from the south, if I started from Kyoto or Tokyo, I wont be able to appreciate this place that much. :)

Kushida Shrine

Right after the gate, there's a kind of fountain water feature thing that you'll see on the right hand side. It's for cleansing. I've seen people wash their hands or even drink it, using the tools that they provide of course. You'll see this stuff in every shrines and temples you go in Japan.

Kushida Shrine

In side there's a big rope in the model tide up with some kind of bell (a big one) and the Donation box in front of it. I could never get the process right... you're suppose to do these combination of actions... Put in the money, Clap twice, Make your wish, Shaking the rope to the make the bell ring and then Bow. Correct me if I'm wrong. :)

Kushida Shrine

After praying, I noticed there's a stall for souvenirs. The shop sells many charms, good health, good relationship, safe journey etc and they are not cheap. :P

Kushida Shrine

Almost opposite the shrine, there's a Hakata Machiya Folk Museum. It shows the old Japanese way of life there the Entree Fee is very cheap I think it's 200 Yen and it's worth going if you have time to kill even though all description is in Japanese.

Hakata Machiya Folk Musuem

Hakata Machiya Folk Musuem

Hakata Machiya Folk Musuem

Almost lunch time now, it's time to make my way back to the hotel and get all my belongings and prepare to depart for Beppu. I again, asked the hotel staff where should I have Sushi. He asked what is my limit.... and I said "none" (yes yes I'm a food whore LOL). Then he directed me to the Nikko Hotel Fukuoka which located on the main road in Fukuoka Taihaku-Don Ave. You can see from the map I posted at Fukuoka 1. The restaurant itself called Sushi Kawasho on level 2 of the hotel. When I first stepped into the lobby of the hotel, it looked so grand! And I started thinking "Shit, we'll this place make me bankrupt?" Turned out they have lunch special with 9 sushi types, Miso soup and Desert for 2,600 yen. I quickly agreed and sat down.

Sushi at Shushi Kawasho, Hotel Nikko Fukuoka

Sushi at Shushi Kawasho, Hotel Nikko Fukuoka

I was promptly given Green tea which I felt that it's a lot greener than any green tea I've had. The sushi was served in front of you with out any plates. with the first 3 showed up, I thought "they're look nothing special..." But the looks can be deceiving!!! With the first bite OH MY GOD it's the whole different things from I've been eating. The fish texture was wonderful, firm but not rubbery, the rice has been cooked just right with the combination of vinegar and other stuffs. My eyes were wide opened in shock. I could see the chef watched me closely and smile proudly. Each one of the sushi had it's own taste and personality and I love them all!!

Sushi at Shushi Kawasho, Hotel Nikko Fukuoka

After the first 3, Miso soup came. It's very different Misu soup I usually have and taste much better. It's thicker in taste and got more aromatic feel to it.

Sushi at Shushi Kawasho, Hotel Nikko Fukuoka

Then the sushi continue to be served with each pieces continue to amaze me. For example the simple Omelet Sushi, the taste of it was a lot more complicate than the one I had before. The Prawn Sushi also got me wild with very nice sweet sophisticating Prawn.

Sushi at Shushi Kawasho, Hotel Nikko Fukuoka

Sushi at Shushi Kawasho, Hotel Nikko Fukuoka

Sushi at Shushi Kawasho, Hotel Nikko Fukuoka

Then it came to an end (sob sob), the desert. I was expecting something green tea but surprise! it's Black Sesame Brule. Taste creamy and sweet yummmmm. I think this is the best sushi experience in my life!! I know I used this phrase a lot but it's True!! Not exaggerated even one bit.

Sushi at Shushi Kawasho, Hotel Nikko Fukuoka

Fukuoka is just a place for food!!! I loved every minute here. And hope to come back to visit (the restaurants) again. Now it's time to head to Beppu, the Onsen Capital City of Japan.

1 Comment:

  1. Anonymous said...
    "Put in the money, Crap twice, Make your wish, Shaking the rope to the make the bell ring and then Bow. Correct me if I'm wrong. :)"

    You have to crap TWICE? I hope you're wrong! :D

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