Canal City at night

.... Then now it's time to have the Best Ramen!!
It's called Ichi-Ran it's a Ramen Chain that got many branches however they sell only one kind of Ramen! The restaurant is so damn small. It looks like the Election Place rather than a restaurant. In my little space there's a tap for you to help yourself with water which I found very convenient. The tissue papaer box were on the wall.


If you are the regular eater you can have an automatic card that operate thru this machines. Or you can pick up a Form then Fill in how your want your ramen done. When you finish fill up the form then you can press the bell for a staff to come to take your order and payment.



With in 5 minutes my Ramen turned up in a rectangle shape black ceramic bowl which looks very exotic. I could no longer wait and started sipping the stock to taste right away. And man oh man!!! This is the best Ramen I had in my life!!! It's very strong pork base stock with their secret recipe sauce. The noodle and the Pork (Chachu) was tender as I ordered. Even I've tried a few famous places in Tokyo but nothing compare to this!!! I was so surprised that the Ramen Chain can be this good. I almost cried with Joy. Then I realised, it very very sucks coz I wont be able to have it again in Sydney sob sob sob. Now I have to cry with sorrow.

Ramen at Ichi-Ran: The best Ramen EVER!!

After finished the Ramen, just a few metres away from Ichi-ran I found a Takoyaki (Octopus balls) shop. The smell from this shop was sooo inviting. I guess I had to eat it as desert. I've ordered the original ones, there's also a prawn ones as well. I've got the mustard+Mayo sauce to accommodate my Thai tongue. And again, it's divined, the skin outside were crispy, big pices of Octopus inside. I was a very very very happy man. :)

Takoyaki (Octopus Balls)

I guess it's time to walk around now to burn all those food I've consumed. I walked along Naka River to take some pictures. And somehow, got into the small tiny lane that filled with "Those Entertainment for men places". I have to put on the backward gear so fast as those bouncers are very persistent on getting me in to take a "Bath". sighhhhhh

Dirty Street

After that I found a lot of Food Stalls!! Arrrggghhh I have no space for more food now. There were many many kinds of traditional Japanese food there. And I heard Fukuoka is very famous for the food stalls. I just had to just take pictures and moved a long sob sob sob.

A lot of food stalls set up along the river

A lot of food stalls set up along the river

A lot of food stalls set up along the river

Then I walked back to my hotel for resting, another big day tomorrow.

View along Naka River, Fukuoka

Will continue with the rest of Fukuoka tomorrow. :)


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