Japan Trip: Osaka 2

Osaka Castle

I started my day with $10 breakfast buffet at the hotel. It's very average, not much to praise and not much to complain either, just sufficient. I left the hotel without one thing.... Asking them for a map!! Coz I thought my map in the travel book might be sufficient, and I was WRONG. Every hotels I stayed got very details map to giveaway for FREE, so, do ask one. As I walked out the hotel, there's field where a lot of kids playing baseball.

The most popular sport in Japan

As a Japanese comic books fan, I've always known that Baseball is hugeeee in Japan. To see this, it just made me realized, I'm in Japan!

Juso, Osaka

I left Juso catching the local train (which not included in JR Pass) back to Osaka Station. When you buy the ticket it's quite challenging. At most JR stations the ticket machine got English, but this local station got only Japanese. Be fear not, the quickest way is to ask at the Counter (they don't sell ticket there) whether how much it's going to cost to the station that you want, then go the machine, put the money in accordingly and press the touch screen for that amount, Bingo! You can also see the fare from the map chart above the ticket machine it'll tell you how much exactly to the stations that you want, however, some station don't have that map in English... So, ask the counter seems to be the quickest choice sometimes.

Osaka in the sun light is very different. More people, a lot more...
Osaka JR Station

Osaka JR Station

Osaka station is huggggeeeeee. There are so many Entrances/Exits. If you're there for the first time, try to calm yourself a bit. :) Firstly as I checked out from my hotel already, I'll need to put my luggage in the locker so I can travel lite. The lockers make things very convenient for travelers. Most of the big stations will have lockers in many places.


It operates by 100 Yen Coin only, so, make sure you have your change before you put your things in. There are 3 sizes for lockers, 300 Yen for Small one, 400 Yen for Medium one (I can put my luggage in, and 600 Yen for the big one. I'm not sure whether there's time limit on the locker coz I've never used it for more than 24 hours. :P

After put my things in the locker then off I went to Osaka Castle. Catching the train from Osaka station go to the Osaka Circle section, and again, the best way is to ask the staffs at the entrance. And since you have to show them your JR Pass to get in anyway, why not ask. hehehe.

At Osaka Castle station, you have to walk around 10-15 minutes to the castle. Osaka Castle is the symbol of Osaka, however, the original castle was destroyed during wars and was restored in Maeji period. My friend recommended me not to go inside as it'll be all brand new. And as I will go to Himeji Castle which will be a lot more interesting, so, I stayed outside the castle. But if you guys have times, go inside wouldn't hurt. :)

Osaka Castle

Osaka Castle

After finished with the castle, I came back to Osaka station to find some lunch. I heard that in Osaka is very well known for their Okonomiyaki (Japanese Pizza) and Takoyaki (Octopus Ball), so, I picked this restaurant near by the station.


It's got no English name, I don't know what it's called... but it's fantastic!!

Combination Okonomiyaki

Combination Okonomiyaki

I ordered the Combination Okonomiyaki, and it's by far is the BEST Okonomiyaki I had in my ENTIRE LIFE!!! I wanted to cry coz it's sooooo Oishi!!! Osaka's got their trademark in Okonomiyaki by putting in the SOBA (thin egg noodle) in it.

After lunch then it's time for Shinkansen! (The bullet train). Again, back at Osaka Station to catch a train to Shin Osaka, where Shinkansen is waiting for me. However, there's one big problem.... I forgot where my locker is.... The damn station is so big and got so many exits, these got me walking around the station for 20 minutes!!! So, you guys, please take pictures around the area that you left you things in the locker to make your life easier.

Now I'm heading to Fukuoka, will continue soon.


1 Comment:

  1. yewenyi said...
    hey, did you try a capsule hotel? I stayed in one in Osaka. It was excellent. Very good value.

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