Japan Trip: Osaka 1

Welcome to Kansai

I've arrived at Kansai Airport quite late at night. But there's still train service to go to Osaka, Shin-Osaka and Kyoto. If you bought a JR Pass, there's ticket office that opened til 9.00 pm so you can exchange your ticket to the JR Pass.

Train to Osaka

After I've got the JR Pass then, off I went to the train. For those who're new to Japan, the mobile phones need to be in SILENT MODE. Talking on the phone on the train is considered inappropriate. And you will see a lot of people on the train do the Texting hehehe.

There're LED screens on every car telling you where is the next stop so, you can prepare to get off the train correctly. You can also check at the ticket counter what time the train will arrive at the destination, the train in Japan is quite on time, most of the time.

Getting off at Osaka station, I was shocked to see how many people at the station and the size of it. It's a little overwhelmed for me. But as my stomach is so empty, I think it might be a good idea to find something to eat before I check in to the hotel. Not far from the station (5 minutes walk) There's this little street that got many restaurants.

Osaka at night


By the time I got there it's around 23:00, which most good restaurants were closed. So, I was left with not many choices but I picked, "Eat-Man". Which opened 24 hours. The restaurant looked cozy, however, Japan's got one of the highest rates of smoker population in the world allow people to smoke in the restaurant. Those smoke ruined my mood for food a bit. Here he came the waiter who hardly speak English. Most of the order is "Point and Choose". And I got my food like below.

First thing I ate in Japan

Second thing I ate in Japan

Hard-boiled quail eggs


Of all the food, I do like the Yakitori very much. Over all they are ok for 24 hours restaurant.

Stomach was full and it's time to sleep. I checked in to the hotel that I booked, Plaza Hotel Osaka, close to Jyo So Station. However, as it was late and dark, I choose to call a taxi to get me there. Luckily I have printed out everything, including the map. So, again, just point at the map and they took me to the hotel.

Small Room

Small kitchen

View from the hotel

I was warned by many friends that hotels in Japan will have a small room, and they're right. But I don't really care much, coz I would spent a lot of time outside anyway. The room was very clean, the bath towel was bright and white and with only AUD $72 a night, I'm very happy for that. :)

1 Comment:

  1. Unknown said...
    Hi nice report... What camera are you using, to get such clear photos at night, I gotta get myself one of those!

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