Karin & Bokeh, originally uploaded by Gun Sydney.

Some people hate using flash due to the horrible harsh look on the subjects. But using flash can be such a joy and give great results.

When to use flash?
1. When there's not enough light to lid the subject.
2. To "Fill", in harsh day light condition, eliminating shadows.
3. To stop motion on the fast movement subjects.
4. Want some creativity artificial light.

How to use flash to get good results.

A. When you have only Pop up flash (SLR)

1. To fill-in for daylight the pop up flash can do the work just fine. Unless you are very far from the subjects. Fill in flash will eliminate the nasty shadows and make the pictures look more flattering. Make sure you set the Flash to TTL (Through the lens)


2. At night or indoor: This is the difficult part. There are 2 hidden techniques that you could use to improve your shots.

2.1 Using the Foil. That's right, go right to your kitchen and grab a piece of foil. Use it as a bouncer attached it to the bottom of the flash. And have it block the front part of the flash. So, the light will be be re-directed up to the ceiling.

2.2 Using the Film case. Pick the white film case only, cut it in the middle (the Longer side) and stick your flash in Horizontally. It should defuse your pop up flash nicely.

to be continued.......

1 Comment:

  1. Brooke - Little Miss Moi said...
    Dear gun. Great blog! I hate the flash, but I'll try some of your tricks when I get a chance...

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