Expression, originally uploaded by Gun Sydney.

Shooting Sydney Mardi Gras Parade is not easy as it looks. You'll facing with low light, changing type of lights, Moving Subjects and all the crazy staffs that love to block your view.

So, this is my tips for preparation.

1. Get there Early. It's important that you are in the position 5:30pm the latest!! (The parade start around 7:45pm)
2. Location location location. I love to be at Oxford Street. If you can, pick the side where they have The Columbian Bar, Stone wall.
3. Pack up your gear with "Fast" in mind. Speed light and diffuser is very crucial. Forget about Tripod as you will not have any space to put it. For lens I would recommend 50mm F1.4-F1.8. Tamron 28-75 F2.8 is quite handy too.
4. Spare Battery and Spare SD/CF cards are a must. I shoot raw so, 5 GB in total will give me no worries about having to go thru pictures and delete them to free some space and lose the opportunity to shoot.
5. Also put water in your bag, as this will be a very long shoot. And it's hard for you to go anywhere as a LOT of people is behind you.

Shooting Tips.

1. It's the tradition that Mardi Gras will start with big bikes. All the lesbians and Bears will ride their bikes past you and sometimes they stop. If they're riding past you, you can either do Panning, or using Flash. If you are new with Panning, by all mean use flash and aim for the closest Bike. Put on diffuser helps, also tilt the flash up about 60 degree. Do not aim for the further one as your flash will be able to reach them. I'd say 2-3 metre from you. The setting for aperture will need to be under F3.0, better around F2.0 and ISO 400-800.

Panning Practice

They are loud

2. Now the walking part of the parade begins. The front part after the bike usually very bright as they'll have their own spot lights to shine on the show boys and girls. I think it's better to switch off the flash and shoot without flash. For those show girls/boys who are close to the lights you can even getaway with Shutter speed of 1/200 - 1/250 of a sec. which will be enough to freeze the movement. For those that do not have their lights then, turn on the flash again and pick only the ones that are in 2-3 metre range. Aperture under F2.0 and ISO800.


The master

3. It helps if you reach out your hands and screaming and waving to attract people in the parade. They'll come very close to you even give you hugs or kisses. They'll pose for you nicely too.

A very Tanned French maid

4. You have to experiment a little bit before you get it right. Do not worry about the first 10-20 pics. But you have to learn it fast. Do not panic and experiment which setting will be the best combination.

5. And the last tip from me. Please keep things clean do not leave the junks or garbage behind. :)

Happy Mardi Gras Everyone :)

Happy Mardi Gras,

1 Comment:

  1. jilske said...
    hi, i stumbled on your post while preparing for next week, love it!
    some of the pictures are very close-up, did you use the 50 mm for that?

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